Wednesday, June 29, 2005
I got tagged . . . I guess.
Post five things you enjoy, even when no one around you wants to go out and play. What lowers your stress/blood pressure/anxiety level? Post it to your journal, and then tag 5 friends and ask them to post it to theirs.

1. Reading comics/manga.
2. Sketching comics . . . hmm, I like comics, huh?
3. Writing. I could write until I passed out on my laptop.
4. Cuddling a pillow. Sad but true. I miss the real deal.
5. Throwing shuriken or practicing some other weapon art. Usually throwing weapons. Hey, I've got to be me. Playing cards is included in this.


1 Rich
2 Cait
3 Susan
4 Cassie
5 Azriel (that's right, I said it.)

So anyway, I have a friend who happens to be an elf. Not that there's anything wrong with being mythical creature or anything; I'm not going to judge anyone else's life style. I'm just pointing out that he's an elf to distinguish him. I am not a racist.

So anyway, my elf-friend told me that some people somewhere use the phrase "making pizza" as a euphemism for having sex. As an irate Italian, I would like to say that the expression is childish, stupid, completely non-sensical and that anyone who uses it in this way should be shot twice in the liver. So if you hear anyone use the expression, do me a favor and shoor them twice in the liver. And then throw them in river. Hey, we're half-way to a song!

For a change of pace, this paragraph does not begin with the word "so." I'm sure it's appreciated. I STILL await the completion of my transaction for server space to launch the NP Inc. main site. I hope I won't be waiting much longer. We'll see. I've drafted multiple strips for the site's webcomic, which brings me to my next point . . .


I won't try to be modest. My MS Paint drawings are delightful, and my simple, comedic style with a real pencil isn't half bad for a cartoon. But let's not be boastful. I don't have HALF the skills of most of the other artists out on the web. Some people I know do . . . *cough* Cassie *cough* . . . so I'm looking for anyone with some spare time that might want to at least do a couple comics here and there. Either total jobs or simply illustrating what I've all ready written. It'll be fun. Come on.

Note: The tricky thing is that the person I'm looking for has to be comfortable drawing the types of things I would want to draw. Yep, sex and violence. Mostly violence. Lots of blood. Any takers? I suppose I could just teach myself to ink properly.

Job continues to suck. Hunt continues for a replacement.

Now, what the hell to do with my hair? Part of me wants to cut it way down, but it might look good even longer, and I have to have it this length to be Itachi for Otakon, and if I cut it it's like a commitment because it will take forever to grow back and AGGGHHHHHH! Suggestions please! Direct the fate of mein noggin.

That's all for now. Zeon out.

Current Mood: Relaxed, though weary.

-Megaman Moment of Zen-

Dr. Wily: Well, gentleman, your time is up. Shall I start shooting?

U.N. Rep: No! We've come to a decision. We will turn over control to you.

Dr. Light: NO! They won't turn over control to you, Wily! I won't let them!

(Apparently, Doctor Light can not only hack into an inter-stellar transmission and interrupt the signal, he can also veto decisions made by the U.N.)
Saturday, June 25, 2005
To the loving NP Inc. team:

I have just purchased www.ninjapirateincorporated.com and will begin construction on the actual site soon. Anyone interested in joining the process is more than welcome. Any writings, comics, pictures, or even knowledge would be appreciated. My friends out there with more HTML experience than me would be very helpful if they would be so kind as to help out with the coding.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
It is my experience that most people learn in "steps." That is, most people gradually progress in their development, either by changing incrementally or adjusting to failure. People over-reach themselves and grow, or they experience through observation and cognition.

I have never learned, grown, or improved this way. It has been my blessing and curse to accomplish all things through delayed leaps rather than steps. I take my time and advance much later than most people do, but I do so completely and flawlessly. Is this nonsense adding up to anything? I'll try to illustrate.

I never weined off of training wheels. My father never held the back of my bike when I peddled. I never wobbled on down the street, falling and getting up. I stayed on training wheels for roughly a year longer than most kids, but when they came off, I had decided that I was ready. Bam. I took off with no trouble; I had perfect balance. I rode just as well as anyone else my age, (better than many, actually) and had learned in about the same time. However, there was no gray area. There was no period of in-between.

Going younger, I was in diapers longer than a lot of kids. Again, I think about a year past the norm. But I potty trained all at once. There were no accidents of any sort. To this day, I have never wet the bed. (I pray I am in the clear by now.)

I was incredibly stress-free in high school. Recently, I've been having weird mood swings and I've been down right irritable without just cause.

Mom: Why are we fighting again?

Me: I have no idea! Hug me.

*This happens too often.

My mom quite honestly believes that I am just now tearing through the mental effects of pueberty. The scary thing is, I think she's very right. I don't remember getting pissed off at my mother for asking me how my day was before. I don't remember noticing girls for MOST of high school, for God's sake. So I had this weird little spike of mental weirdness that I THINK is settling down now. Smooth sailing ahead, I could only pray.

This pattern of mine does give birth to a lot of anxiety. Sure, my overcoming acrophobia in one fell swoop over one week last year was pretty cool, and insta-learning feels like a super power, but it's preceded ALWAYS by a long period of being last in show. The most recent matter that has been REALLY depressing me came up in conversation with Pawel and Will. (In the same day, and the day before, I noticed that I have a weird reaction of talking too much when I'm trying to cover something I'm insecure about. So much for introverted.) Basically, Will and Pawel made it quite clear that they have MOVED on fairly well. They've left high school behind with scant attachments, and they are fully adapted to college life.

This is the case across the board. See where this is going? With the possible exception of Rich (zing!), I am probably the least detached in my class from high school. I have yet to move on. I did NOT branch out past a single social group in college, and I am not eager to return in the fall. I really shouldn't be in college. I am not mature enough, and I know it. I have no drive, no direction, and no ambition. I don't CARE. I try to make myself care through guilt and blind passion, but deep down I really don't care because I don't know what the hell I'm doing with myself.

My mother tells me what I know is probably true: I'm taking longer than most other people to move on, but I eventually will, and I'll do it completely. I know it's probably true, but until it happens, I'm miserable. Plain and simple. I usually keep personal crap like this encoded in Azriel's page, but I need to spit it out directly to clear my head.

I feel very lost, unusually touchy (I'm always over-sensitive, but I'm usually not this outward or reactive about it), and even a tad off-kilter. I'm sure I'll feel much less depressed when I have free time again, but I'll be stressed until I can find a shred of purpose in my life. I wish this were something simple, like a faith crises.

Tony: Where are you?

Jesus: Right here.

Tony: Oh, there you are. I feel better now. Thanks.

Jesus: No prob, Bob.

Alas, Jesus is right where I left him, telling me to keep on truckin'. Maybe if he'd given me a map to tell me where the hell I should be truckin' too, I wouldn't be in this mess. But he didn't, so I am.

This post is a tad too heavy. Enjoy this picture that I shamelessly stole while typing this.

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Let him fill you with joy.

-Megaman Moment of Zen-

Wily: "You will remember I built you, Protoman." (No he didn't.) "You will obey me."

Protoman: "All right. I'll obey you, Doctor Wily. When I want to." (Oooh, Sassy!)

Current Mood: Meh.
Sunday, June 19, 2005

I love my father.

Dad: Hey, Trent. Eat with your spoon. Your spoon.

Mom: Bob, he's only two.

Dad: That doesn't mean he should eat with his fingers. Hey! Tony used to eat with his fingers. I had to start breaking 'em.

Tony: (Nods)

Mom: Oh, Bob.

Dad: Hey, sit down in that chair. No getting up. I'll break your legs.

Mom: Bob. That isn't true.

Bob: Of course it is. I used to break Tony's legs.

Lauren: Is that true?

Tony: Oh, yeah. It's true. He broke my fingers and my legs.

Lauren: And they grew back?

Tony: You learn to heal fast in this house.

Dad: (In thick Italian accent) I'll break you legs.

Trent: (Laughs)

Trent is my two-year-old nephew. Lauren is a five year old chinese girl that is staying with us while her mother goes to China to adopt a sister.

I love my Dad. He entertains children the same way he would intimidate a grown man.

Current Mood: Meh.

Current Wish: That my summer class was over.

-Megaman Moment of Ze(o)n-

Roll: "Megaman is going to need my help whether he needs it or not!"
Friday, June 17, 2005
Ok, people! It's been a while and there's a few things I need to cover.

My birthday:

Not bad, my friends. Not bad at all. I got a few heartfelt, homemade gifts, which was exactly what I wanted. The main festivities of the evening occured at Rich's house, where I jumped on a trampoline with Sam and joined the gang in pilfering a sign. Since the sign was still quite attached to its post, the bolts holding it in place needed to removed. Pliars didn't work and the wrench was useless . . . hey! Remember that bottle of acid that Sammy brought home from work?

Yes, dear friends, we strapped on our particle masks and melted those nuts away. To be more exact, Sam and I observed from the trampoline as Rich, Steve, and Andrew danced a dangerous dance with the haphazardly handled bottle. I was supposed to take the sign with me as a present, but I've yet to find a place to PUT the damn thing that won't get me yelled at or cause a major lawnmower accident.

A later celebration was held at my house over the weekend. We watched "A Clockwork Orange," as well as the Megaman animated series, much to the chagrin of Andrew.

Star Wars Episode III:

Wow. Just wow. I believe I once said "it's episode three! Everyone dies! No one could mess that up." This movie really was shitty. The first five minutes of the film gave me about 12 seizures. Did Lucas even USE any physical models? What a director of any RESPECTABLE calibre would realise is that when you clutter the screen with multiple fights, the scene looks incredibly "busy." When the characters or models are all computer generated (did he edit his whole damn film on a Mac or something? What's with all the crappy transition effects?), the action become a headache-inducing headache that isn't very pleasing to the eye. In a movie such as "Return of the King," this problem can be avoided by limiting exposure and focusing on a cenral figure or battle. In Star Wars, the camera moves all over the place, and the viewer is left wishing Lucas had just pulled out a pencil and paper and just animated the whole damn thing. Also on the opening scene, am I the only person that feels a five minute "homing missile chase" is both cliche' and boring?

I won't get into all of my problems with this movie. Typing it would give me a stroke. The conclusion I have honestly come to is that George Lucas is a bad film maker. Why don't more people just admit that? Screw his being crazy for wanting to change his old stuff that was actually good. He's a bad director. 'Nuff said. Back in the day, when he was limited by technology, he was forced to be creative and artistic. Hooray. Now, he has new toys, and he did NOT make the transition well.

The man's work is tacky. Lucas does not know how to use special effects well. Count Dooku clearly turns into a CG cartoon character to perform a useless flip before he fights Anakin. Oh, what a thriller of a scene that was. Characters are written off very poorly and overly conveniently. The writing is incredibly juvenile, and I don't mean written for a younger audience, I mean my nephew could write better. Yes, he is 2.

Lucas: "Crap! Episode three all ready? I have to right this shit up! I wasted so much plot! So many loose ends! Ummm . . . dead, dead, dead, romance, anger, betrayal, vader, fighting, conclusion . . . done!"

I know he didn't pull it out of his ass at the last minute, but it seems like it. Picture a research paper. You read it, and find it blatantly obvious that the student wrote it on the bus on the way to school. You call him on it, and he tells you to your face that he worked on the paper for over a month. You want to cry. That, my friends, is Star Wars episode III. And episode I. I thought episode II wasn't half bad.

Looking back, Lucas has two REAL accomplishments. The original trilogy and Indiana Jones. What does each have? Harrison Ford. Was do the prequels not have? Harrison Ford. Perhaps the only good decision Lucas ever made was Harrison Ford.

Cognitive dissonance time! I'll be damned if I'm going to sit for over two hours and not enjoy SOMETHING. Here are the movie's positive points:

1) Wookies! Lots of 'em.
2) An otherwise stupid character pulling out four lightsabers at once. He didn't use them all that effectively, but the initial effect was cool.
3) Mace Windu. He had a good "if this were a fair fight, I'd beat the shit out of BOTH of you" death.
4) Yoda. After saying one of the WORST lines in the movie, which is a tough competition, he fights as only he can. ALWAYS fun to watch.
5) If you love somebody, better set them on fire . . . so many deformities and mutilations . . .
6) Slaughtered children! Sure the scene cuts out, but you get to see one preteen get shot.

Batman Begins:

Sweet Buddha McFuck! This movie was AWESOME! While I am a huuuuuuggggeee Tim Burton fan (as well as Adam West fan), I'd have to say that this is the BEST Batman movie ever made. While it lacks the crazy style Burton has, it is the most accurate dipiction of Gotham and Batsy that I've ever seen. Ooh, Gordon and Alfred were awesome too. Although they pronounce the main villain's name wrong, at least using the animated series as dogma, the film is dead-on.

I needed about 12 new pairs of pants to watch this movie. It was THAT good. Tim Burton might get more praise if he had remembered to make Batman a ninja.

That's all for now. Check out Protoman on myspace!

Current Mood: Zippy.

Current Philisophical Question: Exactly how CHEWY should an icecream bar be?

Current Distraction: Oregon Trail?

-Megaman Moment of Zen-

Megaman: "Not a chance, fancy pants!"
Monday, June 13, 2005
Why am I not at work right now? Because I wore myself out on friday, wore myself our more on saturday, and didn't permit myself to rest on sunday. So when I woke up four hours later today, ready for work, I found myself landing face-first on my friendly carpet.

So I called in sick, went back to bed, and will head to class at 5. Sometimes I forget that even though I gave up caffeine, I can be self-destructive out of sheer negligence quite often.

So anyway, there were supposed to be comics by now, but I can't find my freaking scanner cord. Blar. I suppose I can whip something up in MS Paint, but there just isn't any time.

A REAL post will be coming soon. I promise.

- Megaman moment of Zen -

Gutsman: We heard the silent alarm, Doctor Wily!
Thursday, June 09, 2005

Work and a summer class have kept me busy.

I turned 19 today.

I feel old.

Get-together over the weekend. Likely saturday.

-Megaman Moment of Zen-

Magnetman: "Welcome to the bad side, Megaman."

Megaman: "Give me a high-five, Magnetman."

Magnetman: "Ok . . . what? No! HE'S STEALING MY WEAPON!"
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Ok, another mini-post to satiate the masses is here. In addition to the NP Inc. backstories, I will actually be starting some unique one-shots with original characters. One remains un-named, but the other is the not-so-lovable Metro Gnome, a freakish delight we cooked up in the improv studio. He became so creepy and awesome of a character that I simply could NOT pass up using him for some sort of bizarre project.

I've also decided to turn Rat-face and Mr. Shit into character concepts I can also make into something unique. Don't worry, though. They will die.

Oh, scary moment. I will be turning NINETEEN on June 09th. Yeah. I am freaked the hell out. For anyone that doesn't listen to me and insists on getting me a present, I offer these notes:

1) Tony has an innate sense of guilt over accepting things. Spare him that.

2) Tony likes home-made things a lot. Cards, pictures . . . even greetings made poorly in MS Paint. A pasta neckless. Whatever. I like home-made things.

3) Any money I receive will just get converted into weapons. You have to ask yourself, "Do I REALLY want that kid to have more sharp things?" Please, think of the children.

4) The thought counts more than anything. Don't go running around Japan looking for a Protoman action figure; I just want a hug, an IM, or even an e-mail.

I will have a gathering the following weekend with a small group to watch movies.

Current Mood: Weary.

-Megaman Moment of Zen-

Wily: "Megaman, crushed like a rose petal under a ton of steel!"
Friday, June 03, 2005
No more reverse quiz! It's time to stop that crap. I would have a little sooner, but I can't find my scanner cable, meaning I can't post what I wanted to. Grr.

I'll write more here tommorow. I don't owe you people any more than that. (Not one naked picture? Honestly.)

And on that winning note, I go to sleep. For anyone who was concerned, I have been sorely over-worked as of late, and very stressed out. My head is just getting level again, and I will update soon.

Current Mood: Relaxed.

-Megaman Moment of Zen-

Wily: "Megaman! That's my building! GIVE IT BACK!"
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Due to Outstanding Service to Pawel
I have been Certified Kick Ass

08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003 / 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 / 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 / 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 / 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 / 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 / 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 / 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 / 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 / 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 / 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 / 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 / 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 / 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 / 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 / 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 / 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 / 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 / 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 / 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 / 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 / 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 / 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 / 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 / 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 / 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 / 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006 / 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 / 07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006 /

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