Friday, April 22, 2005
Hey Kids! It's time for more . . .


Note: this is an actual conversation on yahoo messenger. I'm WanderingProphetX. This is rated MATURE, so well, you've been warned.

well anyway, guess yoour not there?

wanderingprophetx: nope

whoreiblesehxomaid: oh yoour there hi...

wanderingprophetx: Begone, poorly designed robot!

whoreiblesehxomaid: bot? whats that? somme kinda insult or something?

whoreiblesehxomaid: a/s/l (age sex locatioh)?

wanderingprophetx: A predictable response, you mechanical cretin.

whoreiblesehxomaid: im 27/f/USA. was lookin at your profile. thougght you might like to chat.

wanderingprophetx: I will not buy your sex, foolish robot.

whoreiblesehxomaid: so what have you been up to wandeeringprophetx?

wanderingprophetx: Your spelling is the only thing human about you.

wanderingprophetx: Sadly.

whoreiblesehxomaid: oh you mean one of those auto talk things or something right.. lol. wll if you were in my apartment right now id lift up my skirt for you and i think youd be convinced real quick

whoreiblesehxomaid: coool. i was just hangin out watching tv. i was getting kinda horny (*blushes)

wanderingprophetx: Ooh, clever.

wanderingprophetx: Your lack of coherence is convincing indeed.

whoreiblesehxomaid: feel like a little cyber fun with me ? please please...

wanderingprophetx: No. Go fuck a toaster.

whoreiblesehxomaid: alright how bout i get down on my knees n front of you and help you out of your pants?

wanderingprophetx: No.

whoreiblesehxomaid: tell me what you want me to do with you while i slip out of my panties

wanderingprophetx: I would like you to ignite yourself with gasoline.

whoreiblesehxomaid: oh yeah babe.. dont stop.. while i slide my hand down between my legs and part my moist lips

wanderingprophetx: You're into the insults, eh?

whoreiblesehxomaid: oh it feels so good. Im holding your pulsing cock in my hand, my shiny red fingernails dig gehtly into your balls, while my full, soft lips engulf the mass of your meat

wanderingprophetx: No, you're not. I'm sorry.

whoreiblesehxomaid: open my websitte so you can look at me while im sucking you. use the link in my profile!

whaz do you think of my pics?

wanderingprophetx: Ugh.

wanderingprophetx: You should see someone about that.

whoreiblesehxomaid: shit the phone. dont stopp stroking it. hold on...

wanderingprophetx: Oh no, I've been aroused by a poor sales pitch and now you leave just when I'm interested! What am I to do?

whoreiblesehxomaid: sorry, I have to take this call, probly take bout five minutes. If you want, come to my page and lets finish this. I have my cam on there cybeerfungirls dot com look for me on there

wanderingprophetx: It's a frightening future in which whores unite with robots.

Protoman would've iced her and left her in a lake by the second line, if he weren't out getting ice cream.

Aight, let's move right into the next Q&A, shall we? At the (bitching) request of one Ricardo Sanzhez, this segment has been altered. Updates will appear in red.

What do you plan to do after college?

Good question! I really wish I knew. When I get out of here, I'm going to want to land a job, hopefully doing something I enjoy. Then maybe make some money, explore some hobbies, get a house . . . It's all a lot to see now.
Whatever path I take to get there, my long-term goal is to explore and create. I intend to write, draw, act, film, and anything else it takes to get bits of my crazed little mind into others. I would like to build a family, maybe, if I feel pulled in that way. I mostly just want the freedom to play and enjoy my life. That being the case, I'll want a well-paying job that I may not enjoy, but that offers enough free time for me do with as I see fit. A job I enjoy would be nice, however.

I WILL make the world know me, and I WILL change the way a few people see things. That is my goal in life.

What is you favorite artical of clothing?

An . . . interesting question I'm not sure I understand completely. Umm, I'm in favor of pants, fairly neutral to socks . . . shirts are cool, I guess.

My favorite non-major article of clothing is the bracelet given to me by the lovely Steph Lepine. Sadly, it's starting to show some wear, so I'm not sure what I'll do with the thing should it ever break. My favorite major article is my venom shirt, in all of its faded glory. My second goal in life is to find a replacement for it. My third goal is another pair of shoes that looks exactly like my current pair (which, for anyone ignorant of the situation, is the same as the two pairs I owned before it.) However, Arizona no longer makes the shoe, and it's getting uncomfortable, so change is good in that department.

What is something you're deeply ashamed of? Proud of?

Deeply ashamed of? Tough question. I try not to have many regrets. The thing I'm most proud of is my friends. I have wonderful friends.

I'm not all that ashamed of anything, in all honesty. I may have blocked it out subconsciously, but no memory really haunts me.

When did you first get bitten by the Ninja bug?

When I was 5 or so, whenever I first got into "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles." Really, that was the start of a long life loving ninja. I always wondered why I didn't think pirates were all that great . . . now I know.

I have no idea why pirates are the natural enemy of ninja, they just are, apparently. You could even find both in Japan. In any case, I didn't start accepting the coolness of pirates until recently. But hey, fixing differences like this is what this company is all about.

What is your favorite Saturday Morning Cartoon Show?

Currently on the air? No idea. Go back to when I was a lad, and "Reboot" was a good watch. So was whatever show "Mr. Bumpy" came from. Also, I may be wrong about this being a saturday show, but the ABC version of "Sonic the Hedgehog" was awesome.

The above are my FAVORITES, but I forgot that Batman and Spider-man were all saturday morning cartoons, as well as X-Men. Most modern saturday morning cartoons are a mystery to me; I've had a long-standing habbit of sleeping past noon on weekends.

How long is your hair?

You've seen the pictures. At least, the MS Paint ones. My bangs extend slightly below my chin, and the back of my hair juuust meets my shoulders, occaisionally tied off in a little pony tail.

What is the best Starcraft unit and why?

Dark templar, hands down. Permanently cloaked, fast, and powerful, it's the ninja warrior of Starcraft. It's always useful, and when it isn't the right unit for the job, two can meld to form a Dark Archon, which has the very badass "mind-control" ability(one of my favorites.)

Who is your favourite Beatle?

Paul, of course. Ringo's a jerk and the rest are dead.

If the dead ones count, George is also my favorite. John is my favorite to impersonate.

Which state is your favourite?

MA, of course! I like it a lot here, that I do. Annoyingly liberal, spontanious weather, and a beautiful autumn. This is my kind of place.

What is the sketchiest thing you have ever seen?

Bishop Dupre.

What is the best type of canned food?

What is the best type? Umm . . . ravioli?

What is your favourite childhood memory?

Hands down, playing catch with my Dad, even though he bashed me in the face with a baseball.

Do you find me annoying?

What? No. Keep asking that question every day, and you can change the answer.

What is your favourite Christmas carol?

"Up on the house top, click, click, click! Down through the chimney with good Saint Nick." I don't know the actual name of the carol. I really just love the clicking.

Now that I know the difference between a carol and a song, my answer is "Silent Night." It's just a really beautiful piece.

Which muppet is your favourite?

The random guy in "The Muppet Show" that carried bombs around and blew stuff up for no justifiable reason.

What is the worst thing that ever happened to your car?

Sam Sugrue.

No, no, I kid. I am by far the worse thing to ever happen to any car. That and pasta. I loves to eat pasta while I drive. On a standard transmission. With Jake.

What are you going to do about all the crap next year?

What about it? I have no intention of allowing any drama or bullshit to interfere with my college career. I'm moving on, and anyone who can't keep up WILL be pushed to the curb. It sucks to be cold, but sometimes you have to grow up and say "It's not my problem" if someone's being stupid. I have a life to live; I don't have the time to be patient.

If you were a super villain, what would your evil "shtick" be?

I would capture people and then force them to judge my writing before I killed them. Picture a bunch of people strapped to a wall in some uncomfortable fashion. One at a time, I read to them. They tell me what they think of it, eventually getting the idea that their opinion won't effect their demise. However, if someone really impressed me by being a witty fellow or gal, I'd keep them around in a wheeled box to talk to me. Yeah, I'm deranged in my fantasies.

If you wanted a simpler shtick, I'd say "oro" a lot.

I understood "shtick" to mean "quirk." As a SUPER villain, I would take my own goals for the world and just warp them. In this sense, I'd be an uber-goth. At the risk of over-exploiting a target of my rantings (Oh god, he's on goths again), I would in fact be some kind of deranged, tragic artist. Seeing the world as a corrupt, stagnant place that drowns in its own complacency, I would make it my mission to engulf the world in chaos. With normality effectively destroyed, humanity would be free to think and grow towards enlightenment . . . bla bla bla . . . no longer sheep . . . yadda, yadda, yadda.

I would then open a portal to hell. How? Well, I'd capture 100 sacrifices, half innocent virgins, half dregs of society and prostitutes. I would kill them, using their souls as a circuit to the other dimension, allowing the hoardes of hell to come on through and party. As many super heroes are conservative in image, I could likely convince Eddy to be my lackey.

To anyone who sent a question and doesn't see it here: I'm sorry, I did a crappy job recording them this time. Send them again, please.

To EVERYONE that got a free answer: Yeah, I forgot to do counter-questions. Oops. Consider this a freebie; I won't forget next time.

To everyone wondering where the hell their damn comic is: I'm working on it! Next update for sure. You people have enough to play with for now.

To Rich: There, are you happy now?

Current Mood: Zippy.

Current Music: Alex tossing in bed because my typing disturbs him.

takka takka takka.
Wednesday, April 20, 2005
The rain has saved me again, my dear friends. If you've noticed a lull in posting, YES, the reason is that bad crap is a happenin' on the ole' Zeonic front. Not to worry though, all will be fine. I went for a walk tonight in the rain, and everything is ok, just for a little while.

God's greatest gift to Man is the summer rain. There to wash the blood from our hands, the dirt from our eyes, and the filth from our tongue. Dissolving the bitter salt of life's troubles. Embracing us, comforting us, and cleansing us. Thank you, God, for rain.

Anywho, the first page of the NP INC. comic is taking FOREVER to color, and it's paper time, so I made this comic instead (in under twenty minutes!) It's based on my cell phone habits as of late. I call it "Why I'm a Bad Son, Chapter 1."

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

And here be the old Q/A: "What is your best-kept secret?"
Well, that is a tough question indeed. I would have to say that, up until this point, my most closely-guarded secret is that I've looked at superhero porn. Hey, it was research for another question . . . that's my excuse, anyway.

Current Mood: Steady as she goes.

Current Music: None.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
At the suggestion of a friend, I'm going to make the Q&A a permanent addition to the Blog of Zeon. Each post, any questions I receive that have been succesfully counter-questioned will be answered in full. Good thinking, Ricardo.

Here is the the first wave:

"What, in the whooolllleee world, do you truly and sincerely want most?" [sic]

A tricky question. I suppose the short answer would be peace. I would like to be free of guilt and regret when I die. Also, though, I believe that if one should dream, one should dream big. To that end, I want everyone in the known world to know my name.

"What's your favorite type of pornography?"

Ok, let's get this type of crap out of the way first. Despite my jokes, I actually haven't viewed much porn recently. The last time was in the basement of a friend with a group of guys . . . and that's a story for another day. Still, it doesn't take more than a quick google search to find what's out there, and my playful mind has selected my favorite concept of all:

Superhero porn. Yes, it's real. People dress up in spandex and capture each other in . . . secret lairs, I suppose. Of all the fetishes I know of, it's fairly non-disgusting and funny without being overly creepy. It also plays off of the 14-year-old instinct to raise an eyebrow when Wonderwoman gets tied to a chair.

There are some other definite pluses. Who wouldn't be excited if their girlfriend dawned a mask and cape and decided to tackle them? Even without the porn aspect, it's a fun idea. But then, I'm a playful and thoroughly immature guy.

"What do you fear the most?"

Quite honestly, my greatest fear is to fail a loved one. The idea of my mistakes hurting a friend, physically or otherwise, is really unnerving. When my grandmother died, I used to have dreams of her standing on the edge of the stairs, falling backward a few moments before I could get there in time to grab her. That kind of thing is my greatest fear. Letting someone down because I'm "too slow" or "not good enough."

"When will you cut your hair?"

Never! Hahaha! Actually, when one of these requirements are met:

1) It's long enough to donate to Locks of Love.

2) I'm sick of it.

3) It gets to be too much too manage looking decent.

"If you could change yourself, how and why?"

I'm proud to say that I actually like me just how I am! I suppose I would want to be better motivated, at the risk of losing my lethargic charm. Other than that, maybe I would want the ability to stick to walls. That would rock hardcore.

"Why do you find it easier to be lonely?"

A fair question indeed, but slightly misguided. I find being lonely to be just as difficult as anyone else does, and just as painful. So why do I insist upon it? Call it nature, I suppose. For the time being, I just feel it's best. It comes and goes, but right now it's what's best. It is never really "easier."

"Have you
a. run around in the rain
b. caught a snowflake on your tongue
c. gone puddle jumping
d. danced in the moonlight
e. wished you were a girl
f. sat on a rooftop
g. watched the clouds pass"

a. Yes
b. Yes
c. yes
d. yes.
e. No.
f. Yes.
g. Yes.

"If you did get married, what would the person be like?"

Oooh, a great question. I'll tell you. First off, it will be a woman. That may turn some heads, but yes. A woman. Secondly, she will be a strong woman. Not physically, necessarilly, but strong willed. I really just couldn't abide living with someone I considered "weak willed." It has to be someone I respect.

She has to be playful and creative, always able to keep my interest. Like me, she should like her space and be able to enjoy the company of another person with or without words. She'll be sweet, likely a geek but not necessarily, and kind. Pretty would be a bonus.

Also, on the creepier side of things, I am almost 20! Well, 19. That means that, in all probability, the person I would marry in the future could be someone I know now. *And so, all the girls that know me flee in terror.*

"If you like someone, what do you do?"

Ummm . . . do what I don't, I guess. I've never had luck with women, so I have no idea. I suppose you should . . . nope. No idea. Just don't be a stalker.

"What do you believe in? Honor, God, etc."

I believe in me! And I believe in people. And honor, God, all that lot. I believe in the potential everyone has to be great.

"Where would you most like to go in the world?"

Either back to Italy, or to the Gundam Museum in Japan.

"If you could become part of one of your favorite stories
(book, movie, anime, ect)
as yourself adjusted to this new world,
What story would you be a part of, why, and what if anything would be
different about you?"

Hmmmmmmmmmm. Tricky. I suppose I'd be in a Marvel comic of some kind, using my amazing powers to save people and get free tacos. Failing that, I would pretty much want to be Kenshin. Meaning that I would be very much the same, but slightly shorter and more girly, and a god with a sword.

"What is your favourite colour?"

Black, to wear. Blue and green are favorites as well.

"What is your favourite DC comic?"

Aww, not DC. Hands down, it would have to be the graphic novel "Kingdom Come." But otherwise, make mine Marvel.

"Not counting anime, or anything animated, or, for that matter, claymated,
and also discounting anything based on comic books and video games,
and anything that falls under the "so-bad-it's-good" catergory,
what are some of your favorite movies and television programs? Genuine ones."

Well, "Sin City" just leapt onto the list. "Roman Holiday," "Chicago," "Moulin Rouge," most musicals to save time, "Star Wars (The original trilogy)," "Lord of the Rings," "The Last Samurai," "Casablanca(shut up)," "A Christmas Story," and "Office Space" all apply. That's off the top of my head. There are more.

"Who are some of your favourite actors?"

JOHNNY DEPP, Mickey Rourke, Bruce Willis, Catherine Hepburn (did I spell that right?), Frank Sinatra, Jerry Lewis, Elijah Wood, Jack Nickolson, Rich Sugrue, EJ Massa, Kristen Barann, Andrew Letellier, Gene Wilder, ANTHONY HOPKINS. That's an "off the top" list, as well.

"How many miles on your Jeep?"

No freaking idea. It isn't mine, anymore.

"You're gay. Hypothetically. And every guy you know happens to be gay.
Now, who among your peers do you choose for a boyfriend, and why?"

Weird question. Likely, I would still be single, but here goes. My first choice would be . . . Jason Frank, because I've always wanted a significant other that can best me in video games . . . and that little bastard loves to put me in my place. I beat him in Halo a couple times, though. Next would be . . . does Mike Pytka count? Failing that, Sam and I would be a funny couple. That's all for reasons. It would be funny.

Sorry, I can't think about this question seriously. I either wince at a mental image of me kissing a friend or catch myself trying to compare male friends to female counterparts.

"What is your ideal superhero name?"

The Ninja of Chaos. I would have the chaos emeralds from Sonic the Hedgehog to make me super-powerful. Really though, this is a tough question. It would all depend on my powers. As noted, my favorite power to have would be wall-crawling. While not as useful, I'd find it more fun that even flying. Although flying would be damn nice too. Or turning into a shadow or other amorphous substance, granted I think it'd be uncomfortable.

I'd likely just be Zeon, or Agent Sin, but power-specifically I could be The Clinging Shadow, or something cool like that. I've galivanted as The Hellfire Alchemist before, but likely, regardless of my powers, I'd just make-up a new alias each week and fuck with the media.

"When do we start on Undying Love?"

This very summer, damn it! I don't care how the quality is, we'll shoot it with my handy cam if we have to. We WERE going to do it winter vacation, but the snow ruined everything.

"Please explain how you want your family to be in the future."

Dead. Just kidding. A family I start, or in general? I want both of my parents together in a sunny place, maybe Florida to die, or South Carolina to relax, and I want a wife and one kid. Just one. A boy. Or a girl. It doesn't really matter. Either way, I'll bring them up right.

"If you were stuck on a desert island with the Sweet Suite people
(plus Ryan...and you, obviously) which order would we die/be eaten in and why?"

Laura would die first, because she weighs three pounds to begin with. We'd eat JP because he looks tender, and then Bryce would get lost on the island and die. I would then kill everyone else in their sleep and make a raft out of their corpses. I then drown when a wave comes. The end.

"Who is your favourite comedian and why?"

Rich Sugrue, because he's my friend. It's like having a comedian in tow whenever I'm home. Don't you wish you had Pablo Francisco with you all day long? I'll bet you do. The late Micth Hepburn was a great favorite of mine, and will continue to be. Mostly I just hate Wanda Sykes. Hate her. Man, she sucks.

"What is your ideal form of potato (food wise)?"

Au Gratin.

"Can I have a dollar?"

Yes, you may.

"What is your favourite musical?"

Why, "Cannibal! The Musical," of course.

"Seriously. Where is my dollar?"

In your ear.

"Who would win: Alucard vs all of the Akatsuki"

Alucard. Even the mighty Itachi can't compete with a guy that ACTUALLY distorts reality, not to mention the immortality thing.

"How many hugs can I buy for a dollar?
Can you replace the dollar you now owe me with hugs?"

One long hug. Yes.

"Do you value our friendship?"

Hells yes, I do.

"Do you think I'm a decent writer?"

Yes, I do indeed. Keep on writing and you'll get even better.

"Do you think I'm pretty?"

I must confess, yes I do. You are quite easy on the eyes, good lookin'. *wink*

"What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?"

One AVS. AVS is a new SI unit of speed I just invented that is equal to the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow.

"If you had to lose one thing that's important to your physically (Sight, hearing, speech, movement of fingers, legs, etc.), what would it be?" [Sic]

Speech. I don't talk much anyway, and while I'd lost the ability to perform, I could still write.

That's all for the questions, for now. I do, however, have some new fanart! It was drawn at dinner by Mike.

Image hosted by Photobucket.com

I was wearing that shirt and that headband at the time, but the reason I'm being held at gunpoint is a complete mystery to me. Also, why the kunai in my hand? Was I readying an attack when someone got the drop on me? Or, am I about to whirl around and dispatch my would-be assailant? I don't know or care; the picture is great. Drawn in less than five minutes on a napkin, no less.

That's all for now. Keep up questions/comments and stay tuned for a new comic, coming soon.

Current Mood: Happy

Current Music: Johnny Cash.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
The question game continues (last post) until friday, but I thought I'd post this email I sent a professor to encourage her letting me into a full writing class.

"Dear Professor ******,

My name is Anthony Celi. I met with you earlier today. I am a first year student,
soon declaring my major in English. I have eagerly attempted twice to attend your
"creative writing: fiction" class, only to find it full both times. Being
strongly interested in writing and publication, I was crushed to find it filled
again. Writing is a great passion in my life; I strive through my college career
to constantly challenge and further my skills. Of course, I'm sure that you have
little doubt that I crave greatly to attend your class. In the interest of
widening your scope of consideration, I offer this list of reasons your class
needs me in it:

1) My wonderously creative mind is guaranteed to breathe new life into all graced
by my verse.

2) This e-mail, being a "casual" representation of my writing abilities, is but a
small sample of my grammatical skills. I am prepared, however, to break any rules
in the name of artistic expression.

3) I am twice published, in local newspapers. I feel I could accomplish much more
through your class. Is it not a reward in itself to aid in the completion of

4) I'll give you a dollar.

5) This e-mail was fun to write. I hope it was enjoyable for you to read. I take
joy in all of my writing and believe that doing so brings joy to the reader. I
promise that as my professor, you will be privy to such enjoyment and enthusiasm
in every assignment I complete.

I appreciate the overwhelming demand for your class. While it is not my intention
to pester you, I will try as hard as possible to get in. Please remember me.

Anthony Celi"

Keep the questions coming, people!

Current Mood: Antsy.

Current Music: Daft Punk.
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
Hey, kids. Uncle Zeon is back again, but he's hit a snag in production. I still need time to complete my comic (I swear, they'll be black and white after this one) and Azriel's blog will be updating seperately from this one. This means, of course, that there's a steady gap in the updating of this page.

The solution: I'm implementing option one from a couple posts ago. I'll be hosting a solid Q&A session.

How it works: You send comments, emails, or IMs with questions you want to ask me. They may be anonymous. I post them on this site and HAVE to answer them honestly. That's the rule.

The catch: For each question I am supposed to answer, I ask a question back to the person that sent it. If they want an answer to my question, they have to answer mine. Again, honestly.

The catch of the catch: If the person is anonymous, I will not ask "Who is this?" as a counter-question. That's just low.

So it's a big game. Have fun with it. You all have until friday when I post to send questions. Then I'll post all of the answers. Give me something to work with, people.

A couple notes: The better the responses to my counter-questions are, the better my responses will be. Also, please don't ask me anything that abuses the privacy of OTHERS. For example "what happened between you and BLANK" or "How do you feel about (Non-famous)BLANK" puts out someone other than myself that didn't volunteer for public scrutiny. Please just be mindful so no one gets hurt.

Have fun!
Saturday, April 09, 2005

I was in a bla mood today, so I created a replacement for my RPG blog. I think people will find it entertaining. Please visit the website of a dear friend at theverydarkpitofblack.blogspot.com.
It would mean a lot to me.
The story so far:

I have dropped in at home for the weekend to see "As You Like It" at HCHS, a show I thouroughly enjoyed and will be posting on later. Over this weekend I actually have school stuff to do, so between that and crazy adventures with Sam, it's a mystery how the rest of the weekend will turn up.

Blog related news:

I have drawn a comic and begun painting it in Photoshop. I'm going to play around with it for a while and then post it. I'd expect it up sometime between now and next weekend.

I'm off to see "Sin City" with Sam. I'll post on that later too.

Current Mood: Bleh.
Current Music: Car go MEEP MEEP!
Tuesday, April 05, 2005
As most everyone knows, Pope John Paul II died recently. Despite my reservations about the Church as a whole, I would like to honor someone I believe to be a great man. It's often easy to use a powerful figure as a skapegoat for blame, but one man is never responsible for a corrupted system.

Having lost his parents at a young age, Pope J.P.II went on to make a new family with the world. While considered "conservative" by many people, he broke many boundaries and encouraged inter-faith communication on levels not seen before. During his lifetime, the Church made a shift from the belief that its dogma alone was divine to the acceptance that all religions bear similar goals and merits. Like many rivers to one body, other faiths were embraced as variations of the same truth.

The Pope also took many steps towards the renunciation of communism, as well as working countless hours to help people of all nations. An incredibly well-educated man, the Pope has been working against age and weakness for many years to serve others as best he can. I am glad I was able to see him during his lifetime.

And to anyone who finds this hypocritical or surprising, screw you. I'm not the type of person to suddenly see someone as a better person when they die. I believe the Pope, despite and failures he had, did many amazing things, and his intentions were always good. He's a man I've always respected; I'm sure his job wasn't easy, but I doubt he ever complained. The church being corrupt does not mean each priest is corrupt, and certianly doesn't distribute all of the blame to a powerful figurehead.

In other news, Bishop Dupre should hurry up and die.

Continuing the rush of bad news, our beloved comedian Mitch Hedberg has left us. I really hoped that his death was just a bad April Fools joke, but alas, 'tis so. In honor of his amusing life, feel free to quote him as much as possible; it's how we've been grieving.

Man, this is a depressing post. Two deaths and a spiteful quip . . . no way to do things on the Blog of Zeon. Not at all.

So, I'm putting a request out there for a little feedback, guys. What would you like me to get off of my ass and do?

1) No-Holds-Barred question and answer session.
2) Ninja Pirate Inc. Story or Comic.
3) An N.P.Inc. Guide to the Supernatural.
4) An illustrated representation of what happened to my computer recently.
5) Porn. (Not really, unless you want to send me pictures of you naked)*
6) Real pictures of what goes on here at Clark. (see 5.)
7) Full lessons on the way of the Ninja (Pirate).

Just leave me a comment with one or a few of those there ideas. That way I can force myself to do something. Otherwise I'll never get around to anything.

*You had better be female, and not crazy-ugly.

Current Mood: Mildly vexed.

Current Music: Rich's mixed CD.
Saturday, April 02, 2005
I would just like to throw a big "thank-you" out there to all of my readers. According to stat-counter, I've pretty much drawn a steady, consistent audience. Although a few of these hits are the parents or younger siblings of my actual target demographic (I won't name them, lest they feel exposed), I've got some really solid "fans" out there. Especially Eddy. Any blog to fall into his "stalking circle" should feel blessed; he's good with the comments.

I've still got my eye on you, lurkers.

Anyone expecting a great update will be temporarilly disappointed. I've been playing with photoshop though, which means I'll be able to make decent comics soon.

In the meantime, consider my lack of post on April Fool's Day to be a joke within itself. Yeah, it was prank. Go with it.

Current Mood: Sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeepy.

Current Movie: Hackers?