Saturday, July 31, 2004
"Undying Love" on yet another hold . . . a small one this time!

My game is making slow progress, as is next summer's film project: [Insert Megaman tribute title here].

Here's the cast as of now:


EJ Massa


Anthony Celi


Andrew Letellier

Dr. Wily

Richard Sugrue

Dr. Light

Sam Sugrue

It should be . . . interesting. Still need Bass, Cutman, Gutsman, Bombman, Iceman, Elecman, Fireman, Dustman, Woodman, Pharoman, Skullman, Hardman, and Flashman. Good thing this is planned for next summer . . .

If anyone's really bored and actually knows how to work with sprites, feel free to make a sprite form of yourself and send it my way. Email is fallenangelzeon@gmail.com . . . I think. I'll check into that. Send your sprites or nudie pics there.

. . . I just said sprites, right? Crap . . . must stop typing thoughts . . . must start deleting incidental blather . . .

Anywho, sleep must I.

Current Mood: *thud*
Current Music: midis for game
Friday, July 30, 2004
I'd like anyone involved in "Undying Love" to call me on Sunday. (D, interested in having some fun with a camera?)I am spending today and tommorow cosolodating epsiodes 1, 2, 3, 6, and 7 into extended episodes 1, 2, and 3. We can cut them later, and to be honest, I think they'll be better. It also somehow manages to increase the serious overtones that make "Undying Love" work.

Slight slump in game progress, Sombraro sprite set and Allyn sprite set to be completed this weekend, possibly a working demo. Work on book set for next week as well as prep for my anniversary post. Eventually hitting up Walden for copies of 1984, Brave New World, and Anthem, as well as my usual manga titles. :D

One day, I will watch the third installment of "Lord of the Rings." Isn't it sad that I lack enough spare, unused time to watch a three hour movie? Oh well.

Current Mood: "Water ski" Sometimes, when you don't feel like you're standing on something that will support your weight, you just have to keep moving to avoid falling.

Current Music: Why do I bother with this?
Tuesday, July 27, 2004
The two-hour hate is now complete.

Just got back from "Fahrenheit 9/11 . . ." sadly, Bush is no Goldstein.

Have I mentioned enough that I fucking hate Bush? I've been getting really pissed off lately about that. Bush brought us to war for oil. That's pretty much fact now, so let's not dispute that. Now, people are afraid to back Kerry because they don't like him and because we're in a war.

Wake up, you fucking retards.

Do not back Bush, because he will continue to fuck shit up and make things worse.
Do not back Nader, because he'll split the vote and get Bush re-elected, the asshole.
Back Kerry, because while he's not my favorite guy in the world, he'll clean up Bush's mess and get us back on track.

God, I miss Clinton.

Bitch all you want, I liked Clinton. Why are so many Clinton supporters backing Bush? To quote my father(quite proud of him for this one): "When Clinton lied, nobody died." A little affair is nothing compared to the senseless and needless deaths of thousands of innocent people for the sake of profit and power.

Go watch Fahrenheit 9/11, go read 1984, and vote for Kerry if you're old enough. I fear deeply that Bush is going to win this next election.

And fuck the patriot act, while I'm at it.

That said, my anger is quenched somewhat. Here's game news:

Didn't get any new sprite work done today.

Yeah, that's it.

Current Mood: Agitated.

Monday, July 26, 2004
Jesus on a poptart, it looks like I've got my first "blog anniversary" coming up in a couple weeks . . . the day before I go off to college! That'll have to be one hell of a post to keep you all occupied while I slink off like a theif in the night. Fear not! I'm on it.
OOooooohhhh . . . sweet perfection.

The "Zeon" sprite for my game is now fully animated AND functioning. Yes, he runs right OR left without "moonwalking,"(walking backwards but displaying the animation for walking forwards) he jumps correctly left or right, AND he shoots either left or right. He also can also shoot while jumping now, but only to the right. On top of that, his mouth moves so he can talk.

It's hard to really give you all anything to look at right now, except for some animation sheets. If anyone could send a program my way that makes animated gif files, I could give you a sense of what these characters look like on screen.

Sadly, all I can do is this:

These are the animation frames for Zeon(Megaman):

Looks like Megaman, tastes like Tony . . . wait, eww.

And this here is all the animation for "Witch."

Magus would win in a fight.

The Allyn sprite will take the most work, as it has the most animation. The runner-up is likely Sombraro, exluding the secret characters I don't want to reveal yet.

Sprites of friends included in the game coming soon.

Current Mood: Busy
Current Music: I need music still!
Sunday, July 25, 2004
I have a game update for you all, but first I'd like to announce that I adopted a fetus or two.

Meet Jack and Arashi, the Ninja Pirate Inc. tax write-off.

Anyway, it's update time.

I installed KNP on my computer and made a sprite sheet for "Zeon." It took little time because so little "headway" was made; anyone who can actually tell I modified the original sprite deserves a medal because it's practically plagiarism. The others will be a lot more fun to bring to life, but Zeon is pretty essential, being the character the player will control.

So I loaded all the animation frames into KNP and constructed a funtioning game sprite. He's animated to jump, walk left, walk right, and shoot (right). That's right, every old school game has its crappy limiter that makes the game more difficult, and mine is that you can only shoot right. Don't worry, there's actually little reason to ever shoot left anyway.

So the game so far is little Zeon standing around. You can make him run around and shoot, and that's it. Fun, eh? No worries, though. It's just a start. I'll throw in some zombies and have a demo up and running soon.

As far as the whole game goes, level selection is a bitch.

You see, in order to allow the user to select which of the first six stages he/she would like to complete in what order, the game must be able to recognize when a level is completed. That way, the level becomes inaccesible and completion of all six levels will be agnowledged, allowing the user to go on to the second half of the game. To do this, a number is assigned to each possible combination and recorded into the game, which is then told how to deal with it.

Now, six possible combinations, each with five possible combinations following, each carrying four . . . well, you get the idea. There's a LOT of possible orders to choose, and each one has to be given a number. Worse still, each level needs a line of code for just about every other, so that the code created will match the once before it. (I.E. Level X, Level Y, and Level Z have been completed. Now level A has been completed, after X, Y, and Z. This is now scenario XYZA.)

In layman's terms, selection is a bitch.

Now that the sprite is good to go, I'll get the first level completed and post it as a demo. Then I'll work on boss fights, boss levels, the final leg of the game, and finally the pain-in-the-ass stage selection system. It's going to be a toughie, folks. But hey, at least I'm actually doing it. Did anyone really expect it? Imagine your shock when I finish this damn thing.

Current Mood: Sleepy.

Current Music: Anyone know where I can find some good midi format music? It would be appreciated.
Saturday, July 24, 2004
When things start rolling down hill at break-neck speeds, sometimes it's just best to hop off and let it be. Of course, it's quite difficult to pick up the pieces and start back again.

Hello, world. If you missed the previous post, I declared this site "inactive" for an undetermined amount of time. Why? To make it quite clear that I wasn't posting on this thing, so it wouldn't be expected. Now that I'm back in the saddle again, I see no reason not to keep things moving.

The first thing I'd like to announce is my personal project. Want to see the final confrontation between Protoman and Sombraro? Want to know what it's like to live the life of (the conceited) Zeon? Well, soon all your prayers will be answered in my upcoming video juego.

With state of the art, 32-bit graphics!

What's all this about? The plot is simple. Dr. Connie's bidding for world domination, and only Z and his crack team (emphasis on crack) of comrades can stand in her way. She counter-attacks with society's greatest social nusences, but is she really the mastermind? Can Zeon thrust his mighty sword deep into the chaotic fortress of Rome and take on mother church itself?

Find the weaknesses!

The game has all the controversial insanity that is me; all the stuff you love (begrudgingly tolerate.) It has the silly, the mind-boggingly heretical, and the completely offensive. And zombies, of course. Protoman'll be by to lend a hand, as well as some people that likely didn't expect to see sprite forms of themselves in a game. ;-)

Yes, I have actually started work on the project. Those are screen shots up there (likely to change slightly), and the sprites all reflect the actual game. It will be available to download off a secondary site linked from here, in the form of a .zip file. I don't own flash, so I'm making the game in "Klik and Play," which is actually more than sufficient for making a Megaman style game, if you take the time to learn it.

So there you go, how's that for an update? The game would take a solid three days to complete, but at my schedule, I'm thinking a couple weeks. I'm sure you can wait. If anyone requests it, I'll toss some more amusing screen shots down the way.

Hey, you share my hate, now you can share my love of Megaman.

Disclaimer: Megaman belongs to Capcom, bla, bla, bla. The sprites used for the character "Zeon" are in fact modified Megaman sprites. Most other sprites in the game are heavily or slightly modified sprites as well. All other characters are original concepts and any resemblance to persons living or dead is completely coincidental. Heh, yeah . . . that's the ticket . . .

Current Mood: Revived.

Current Music: Shpadoinkle Day (In my head)

Wednesday, July 21, 2004
Yeah, ummm . . .

I don't know what to say right now. I haven't had the time to make anything silly, and at this exact moment I have no interest in it. The fate of this blog will remain uncertain for a while.

All that's really there to say right now is that I've learned a few things about myself as of late.

1) I will be alone until the day I die.

2) I look back on these past four years, and I find that there isn't a single goddam thing I wouldn't do differently if I had the chance.

3) I'm afraid of the future.

4) I fucking hate my job.


So yeah, major Tony downtime right now. I'm sick of dealing with blogger's bullshit format changes, but mostly I just can't keep up. I'm trying my best to stand on my own two feet, but they keep getting kicked out from under me. Mostly, it's my fault.

If this blog shuts down, there will be an official "last post."
Friday, July 16, 2004

The Best Day Ever

On wednesday, Alex the Lazyshit was mysteriously MIA. It turns out that the little punk's been stealing lunches and finally go caught. Heh. Kev and I enjoyed a wonderful day of relaxing work without the doucey fagatronics of the legendary Lazyshit. Good times.

The Worst Day Ever

My lack of sleep and food finally catches up to me. HARD. You see, I've been lonely, as of late. The fact that I live alone right now helps that even more and, as a result, I've been compensating in the form of parties and outings.  Well, I woke up Thursday and I could not move. It took all my energy to get up and get dressed within one hour, so I skipped breakfast. Never gassed-up the Jeep last night, so it's off I go with the Jag.
. . . WHAM!
. . . oh, shit . . .
If I had been rested, if I had been in the Jeep, or if I had any food in my system, I would have easily missed that hole and I never would have gone off the road. I wouldn't have torn the rim of the tire to shit, and I wouldn't have been late for work. I also wouldn't be out $600.
Did I say "fuck" yet?

The Best Day Ever (Revisited)

I have the cure for all forms of depression plagueing teens in America.
1) Get a good night's sleep.
2) Eat a good breakfast the next day.
Simple and stupid, yes, but that's all it took to turn "dying zombie" into "Superman." Today went great, I feel ready to function, and I'm almost ready to clean my house. Heh, heh.
. . . is "dying zombie" a contradiction, or redundant?
Note that there are no fancy images in this post. I don't have time right now. I have a business to run, video games to play, and a job to . . . job.  Er, do. To make up for it, here's a little blogplay:
Me: Hey, Protoman.
Protoman: Tell me more about that.
Me: Uhhhh, what?
Protoman: That is interesting. Please continue.
Me: Wow, you're stupid.
Protoman: Hey, catch this rock with your face.
Me: Haha, brilliant.
Protoman: Tell me more about that.
So yeah, I know he needs work. I haven't had time to work on him. The good news is that I can read his conversations, so he's kind of acting as my private answering machine. Just don't expect much else.
Sombraro hasn't been to active, so I think it's about time to wrap up this little saga. Expect something coming down the pipe soon.
I changed my mind about the image thing. Here's a little hastily-made treat for you loyal, patient little sheep. 

Current Mood: Exhausted; slightly suffocating.
Current Music: AIM just made a dinging noise.

Sunday, July 11, 2004
With Sombraro no longer amusing me, and my life accelerating to dizzying pace, I find myself with very little time to be creative. To an artist of any kind, this is very similar to death, for all intents and purposes. However, it is my own doing; I voluntarily sacrifice my free time with great frequency, possibly in compensation for the feelings of loneliness and impending abandonment I'm experiencing.

So I have two external extremes: Sorrow and reminiscence versus silliness and insanity. What I am left with internally is an emptiness, a void. In addition, I am beginning to suffer healthwise from my job. The paint/chemical fumes I absorb daily are beginning to manifest into a chronic cough.

Despite these difficulties, I'm having the time of my life. With my parents away, I have a lot of freedom to live irritation-free. I have work weekdays until 3:30, I have to do the lawn a couple times per week, and the normal upkeep of the house and my dishes/clothes keeps me a little occupied, plus the added responsibility of managing my father's business, but when these are accounted for, I am free. Free to do whatever the hell I want with whoever I want, whenever I want.

I think I've seen Sam the most this summer. I love that kid. I've gotten to see Andrew, EJ, Richard, Caitlin, Pawel, and others as well; I was lucky enough to see my non-senior buddies from performing arts.

It hurts to think about Performing Arts sometimes . . .

I swear, I'd give my right arm to be in "Fiddler on the Roof" again. Of all the flashbacks I have of my past life, my highschool life, that I'll be leaving . . . it's the ones from the shows that move me to tears. The bonds formed through a cast are made unique by their potency. It's impossible to describe.

Rich, Caitlin, Sam, and (briefly) Andrew came over last night. Awkward vibes? Perhaps, but I remain apathetic to the situation. We watched "Cannibal! The Musical," my all-time favorite "cult" movie. I call it a "cult" movie because, while I am clueless to the existence of any actual cult following, it is a movie that can be *enjoyably* viewed multiple times, and will often leave viewers quoting and memorizing as much as possible. It's magical, hypnotic, and a must-see for all South Park fans. Matt and Trey often incorporate subtle references to Cannibal in their show, including but not limited to the playing of the "Shpadoinkle Day" theme at the end of their episodes.

From the subtle to the overt, the comedy in Cannibal will please most anyone.

How's that for a plug?

I'm off for now. Blogger, for some reason, continually reverts the style of my blog to some template it saved, for some reason. The Protoman link, which should be on the sidebar, keeps changing back to the "Angelfire sucks" image. It shouldn't be doing that. The HTML for the "Angelfire sucks" image shouldn't even be saved on blogger. Hopefully, the problem will fix itself.

Current Mood: Weary, in every sense.

Current Music: Johnny Cash
Thursday, July 08, 2004
My, my, what an exciting day! Not only have my parents left me alone and in complete control for 2.5 weeks, I had a good day at work! Why?

1) I got to drive the truck! Yay! (Tee hee hee, goin' driving. Driving. Driving fast.)

2) I fell asleep. Amazingly, I did so in a working position, and was unnoticed. I actually woke up with a screwdriver still in my hand, still embedded in a screw. Trippy, but awesome.

3) The day flew by and I was here at home, happily cooking up some burgers to celebrate my temporary autonomy.

Pretty nifty, eh? I'm hoping to get Undying Love off the ground this weekend, get my computer started, and possibly work on NP Inc. As a side project, I plan to write a script inspired by EJ, who casted several of his friends (in his mind) for roles in a Megaman movie. All day, TONS of hilarious visual/vocal pieces came into my mind, and although it will never be made, I plan to write the script for the low-budget masterpiece. Here's some info on roles:

Dr. Wily: Rich (Insane doctor bent on world domination.)
Dr. Light: Sam (We decided the kind doctor works better as a drunk.)
Megaman: EJ (Good-hearted, super fighting robot.)
Protoman: Me (Smartass, cocky, not-quite-evil fighting robot.)

Hey, you have to have dreams. That's all for now, be sure to call anytime. I own this house now. Visitors welcome at all times, but no parties, please. Here's your moment of Zen . . . I mean, here's the next installment of "The Legend of Sombraro."


Current Mood: Cheerful, though lonely.

Current Music: None, you twit.
Monday, July 05, 2004
Hey, fuckers. I'm baaaaaack.

Usually when someone's being annoying, I ignore them. This deprieves them of any pride they may be compelled to feel as a result of irking me. On the flip side, things that I simply find mildly amusing I also like to ignore, rather than bring them to any unnecessary proportions.

Sombraro, on the other hand, shall henceforth be made infamous. While the likes of Will and Pawel have yet to encounter such random mystery, Rich and I are constantly at bay.

This, Sombraro, be you male or female, is for you:


Now, I usually bitch about sprite comics, but Dalton seemed to fit and well, Protoman is best left as originally drawn.

The coming fight scene will kick ass. Promise.

In the meantime, anonymous comments, as stated before, are a pet peeve of mine. Sombraro would be banned . . . but the situation amuses me for some strange reason.

Current Mood: Bleh.
Current Music: Johnny Cash
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Due to Outstanding Service to Pawel
I have been Certified Kick Ass

08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003 / 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 / 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 / 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 / 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 / 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 / 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 / 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 / 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 / 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 / 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 / 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 / 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 / 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 / 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 / 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 / 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 / 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 / 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 / 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 / 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 / 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 / 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 / 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 / 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 / 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 / 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006 / 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 / 07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006 /

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