Wednesday, January 28, 2004
Well, now that midterms are over and Buddha and Mahavira are slipping back into obscurity, I think it's about time for an update.

The Clearing is coming up, I'm getting excited and nervous at the same time. I've been practicing every day, and I've got my lines down. I just hope everyone else is doing the same.

Having attained Megaman Nirvana, I've decided to put the game off for a little while. I have precious little time to do this research paper, and a small supply of sources. I decided to take the day off from school, mainly because I overslept the 90 minute delay, and I'm getting caught up with my work.

Another way to increases my work is holding off Sam, who doesn't seem to be able to grasp the concept that I have work to do and can't have a party every saturday. I love him, but he's an irritating person to converse with online. Mainly because his spelling and grammar often leaves me wondering what the hell he was talking about in the first place. No matter, I can be just as bad when my bouts of insanity result in either l337 5p34|< or some serious stream of consciousness writing.

On a side note, I've recovered from my sleep deprivation and I don't feel like I'm dying anymore. That's always a plus. Oh, and according to Tara, I've come out of the closet. So, I must be gay now. I'm not sure why I turned gay, I'm not really into the idea that much. Oh, well. It would be a fun rumor to throw around. Have fun kiddies!

A new blog play is forth coming, since that's the only real reason people actually read this thing.

Current Mood: P|-|34r t3|-| z0/\/\8i35.
Tuesday, January 20, 2004
So, today we have some special guests . . .

Tony: So, Buddha, how did you start out?

Sidd: Well, I was rich and got really bored.

Vira: Hey! Me too!

Tony: So you became an ascetic?

Sidd: Indeed.

Vira: Me too! I loved asceticism. I was all about the starving.

Sidd: Me . . . not so much. I gave it up. Too extreme and pointless.

Vira: What a cheap cop out!

Tony: Mahavira, please. Buddha has the floor.

Sidd: Thanks. So, yeah. I thought it was stupid so I began the "middle way."

Vira: No way, ascetism is great! I loved it so much I starved myself to death!

Sidd: You starved yourself?

Vira: Yup.

Sidd: To death.

Vira: Yup.

Sidd: You promote non-violence and life.

Vira: Yup.

Sidd: And you starved yourself to death.

Vira: Uh huh.

Sidd: . . . dude, that's fucked up.

Vira: Fuck you, Buddha! I attained enlightenment!

Sidd: Big deal, me too.

Vira: My enlightenment rocks! Kevala rules!

Sidd: Kevala sucks. Nirvana is way better.

Vira: Oh yeah?

Sidd: Yeah. Is there a band called "Kevala?" If there is, I bet they suck.

Vira: Screw you! I did it the hard way!

Sidd: I'm sure you did, moron.

Vira: Hey! You relaxed in the shade, while I was squatting in the sun!

Sidd: Great, you went down in history as the guy who was squatting on the grass and suddenly attained enlightenment. Genius.

Vira: Gah!

Tony: Hey, settle down you two . . .

Vira: I know all the secrets of the universe! You never talked about them, you fraud?

Sidd: You honestly believe that the universe is in the shape of a man? Who's the fraud?

Vira: It is so!

Sidd: Let me ask you a question. You state that the universe is vast but finite.

Vira: Yes.

Sidd: Yet there is an infinite number of souls.

Vira: Yes.

Sidd: Tell me, how is it that an infinite quantity can fit into an all-encompassing but finite space out of which nothing exists?

[Long pause]

Vira: . . . There are strong winds outside . . . .

Sidd: There can't be wind without air particles to move, and they're all inside your "loka."

Vira: . . . FUCK YOU, BUDDHA!

(Vira grabs for a chair, but is met by a gunshot. Buddha has produced a colt magnum and used it to give Mahavira a complementary third eye . . . in the middle of his face.)

Tony: Well then. Go Buddha.

Sidd: Wanna go get something to eat?

Tony: Sure.

Sidd: Let's get steak.

Tony: You can eat beef?

Sidd: Sure, if it dies of natural causes.

(A random cow wanders in. Sidd shoots it. It falls.)

Tony: How's that natural?

Sidd: Bleeding to death is pretty natural, isn't it?

Moral of the story: Mahavira sucks. Buddha's still pretty cool. Beef is delicious.

Current Mood: Does it really apply here?
Saturday, January 17, 2004
This post is made solely as the result of boredom.


So, my insanity isn't working as well as I thought. I'm not any happier, still having bouts of doubt and a lack of self worth . . .so, I've got a new plan.

. . . sponges. Lots of sponges.

That makes no sense at all.

And now, for lack of anything else to write, I finally present:


1) Deprieving our students of M&Ms.
2) Deprieving our students of skittles.
3) Turning Holyoke Catholic into a Nazi training camp (Jainism my ass, Ranstrom has another reason for passing out swastikas.)
4) Annoying the hell out of everyone by interupting class to share her worthless opinions about nothing of any significance.
5)Breathing my air.
6)Changing the prayer in the mornings to involve standing (I don't find it any more reverent.)
7)Outlawing applause within a church setting.
8) Thinking she knows anything.
9) Pissing me off.
10)Pissing off a ninja. See 9.
11)Changing a school that has gotten on fine without her.
12) Existing. (How long will that last?)
13)Deciding that no one should eat on the grass outside. (Only heathans eat outside, you know.)
14)Protecting us from one another with the prohibition of all forms of affection. (Remember kids, Jesus loves you . . . so long as there are at least two other adults present to chaperone and he stays behind the red line.)
15)Not giving Cygan her medication this month (flipping out.)
16)Not exploding, even when I think about it really hard.
17)Brainwashing the teachers into wanting shorter advisory periods.
18)Not traveling back in time to prevent her own conception.
19)Decreasing profits to the school and thus causing an increase in the price of cafeteria food (See 1 and 2.)
20) Not realizing 1-19.

Things the kid who pissed on the radiator has done wrong:
1) Pissed on the radiator.
2) Pissed me off.

You had better pray I don't catch you. It will result in an ass-kicking. Same goes for . . . nevermind, I won't catch you. Because I'm never using a bathroom at school again.

Current mood: Lonely, dejected, unwanted, focused. No one really wants me around and no one knows who I really am, but it doesn't matter because I'm still indestructable.

Disclaimer: If anyone accuses me of slander, the above is not true. Otherwise, I'll keep on truckin'.

Friday, January 16, 2004
And so Jake becomes ever the more infamous. They've found a skull in the basement of his old house. A human skull. My God . . .

Does anyone else realize how insanely cool that is?

Of all the rare things to happen in South Hadley, and of all the places therin . . . What're the odds?

Jake, I officially bestow upon you the @\/\/350/\/\3 @\/\/4r|) 0f l337|\/355 in the field of Ninja Pirate excellence. You better be taping anything that comes up on the news.

Oh, hope no one in your family goes to jail. You knew that though, right?

The hunt for server space begins. Hopefully NP Inc will have a home soon.

I had a major relapse today. Started drinking Bawls and playing Starcraft. Oh, the shame. I am weak . . . .

Taguro: So, the time has finally come.

Ipiko: Indeed it has. It ends tonight.

(TAGURO and IPIKO fight, IPIKO falls)

Ipiko: I have failed. Finish me.

Taguro: I shall.

Ipiko: I die with honor.

(TAGURO decapitates IPIKO. His head rolls off onto a patch of Earth.)

Epilogue: A series of odd events happened leading eventually to Jake's old house being built on top of the ronin's severed head.

Congratulations on your fallen Samurai.

Taguro went on to join NP Inc.

Current Mood: melancholy
Sunday, January 11, 2004
Whew, notecard time. This may seem a bad thing to many people, but it has its advantages. For example, my error in adhering to the correct card size prompted me to go on a supply run, which means I'm now fully stocked with a new composition notebook, a new sketchbook, and plenty of pens and pencils. Now all I need is some free time, and I can be creative again!

So ninjapirate.com turned out to be taken by a loser who wants to be Maddox. Aww, how cute. Too bad no one told him his writing is sub-standard and his ideas aren't original. No reason to hold a grudge, so I'll only kill him for taking the kick-ass domain name and putting something so lame on it. I'll get another domain name, and NinjaPirate Inc. shall prospers. In the mean time, I'm punching out some concept art and some loose story arcs for the web comic. I figure that if a basic storyline is put down with some fluent story boards, we could alternate the work load of drawing the thing based on availability (and interest.)

I've also decided to finally get around to the book I've been starting to write since last summer. One might say I procrastinate a tad. All I can say about it is that it will be based on me and my life, and therefore incredibly random. Don't be offended if you aren't mentioned, I intend to keep name dropping to a minimum, as I always do (So stop searching this blog for you name, I'm not writing about how I feel about you. You have to figure it out for yourself.) Once I'm done my main problem will be finding a decent publicist, something I'm not quite sure how to go about doing. Any suggestions would be helpful. Also, still searching for domain space to host Ninja Pirate Inc.

Current Mood: Productive. I feel like acomplishing something this week.
Wednesday, January 07, 2004
Oh, what's this here? I think it might be....A BLOG ENTRY!

So, back in shitty old-New England....hmm, that came out odd. Well, it's good to be back. I must say, that little trip refreshed me! The wanderer needed that brief little excursion to clear his head. I'm back, I'm awesome, and I'm stark raving mad. In a good way this time. I'm feeling quite confident, and I've established an over-all sense of optimism.

How crazy is that?

Now, I know what you people want. So, I'm going to give it to you.


God: Ok, ok, ok. What is it, already?

Tony: Is JC home?

God: Yeah, right here.

(GOD side-steps left, revealing JESUS to be perched on his right arm. He hops down like a bird.)

Jesus: Hey.

Tony: Hey, J. Have you got a minute?

Jesus: Sure.

Tony: Follow me.

(JESUS follows TONY. JESUS arrives first, much to TONY'S irritation.)

Tony: You could at least humor me.

Jesus: I took a short cut.

Tony: Right, nevermind.

Jesus: Interesting choice...Why a pool hall?

Tony: Well, I...

Jesus: Thought you'd beat the son of Man?

Tony: Ok, do you have any idea how...

Jesus: Watch it.

Tony: . . .ing irritating it is to have a conversation with you?

Jesus: That's what they all say.

Tony: What?

Jesus: I'm deaf in one ear. Irritates people a lot.

Tony: You know, that explains a lot about my life. . .

Jesus: So what's your question?

Tony: Well. . .

Jesus: How was that?

Tony: Perfect. I almost believed you.

Jesus: Yeah, I know.

Tony: . . .ANYWAY. Everyone's on tough times right now. Is it senioriticis or what?

Jesus: Been quite a strain on them, hasn't it?

Tony: Yeah.

Jesus: It seems that everyone around you is losing hope?

Tony: Yeah.

Jesus: Failing at love, searching for meanings that don't exist past what they don't see they have?

Tony: Yeah!

Jesus: Distraught over what they cannot control, and lost within the self-perpetuating and fruitless cycle of mindless repetition and hopeless labor?

Tony: YES! That's exactly it!

Jesus: . . . Senioritis.

Tony: . . . What?

Jesus: Senioritis. You said so yourself.

Tony: That's not. . . the divine revelation I was really searching for.

Jesus: Oh. Will this help? SENIORITIS!

Tony: Where did you get that megaphone?

Jesus: (shrugs)

Tony: So. . . that's what you account for all of this. Senioritis?

Jesus: Umm...and pink eye?


Jesus: Yeah, your'e right. Can't be pink eye.

Tony: (exasperated) I. . . what? Why. . . Are you? What?

Jesus: Sorry, what? Can you speak up?


Jesus: No, no. This ear.


Jesus: Of course not. It's humanity that's all mad. Dad made it that way.

Tony: What?

Jesus: Thought it would be interesting that way.

Tony: (Makes several incoherent noises, all of which seem quite irate.)

Jesus: Well, I'm off. Don't worry about the game, I would've won. Trust me. Bye.

Tony: (More noises, equally irate. One or two is more on the pitiful side.)


Tony: . . .

The Universe: . . .

Tony: . . .

The Universe: . . .

[And so it went for a very long time. However, a frustrated boy who chats with Christ is apt to make something into more than it really is, so in reality roughly one minute and thirty seconds passed.]

Tony: Senioritis. . . Forty Two? No, doesn't work. Oh, well. I give up.

Moral: Life is short guys. Something really big is coming to an end, and something even bigger is coming. Everything we had will be gone and everything we get will be new. Enjoy what you have while it's here, and always seek out your happiness. Don't mourn what's gone if it'll keep you from seeing what you have or what you could find. Above all, please, don't take things out of context. Our old lives are ending soon, let's go out of this year with a bang.

Mark my words: Holyoke Catholic, and especially Sister Conney, shall not forget me easily.

Current Mood: I was able to use the word "Exeunt." What did you do today?

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Due to Outstanding Service to Pawel
I have been Certified Kick Ass

08/01/2003 - 09/01/2003 / 09/01/2003 - 10/01/2003 / 10/01/2003 - 11/01/2003 / 11/01/2003 - 12/01/2003 / 12/01/2003 - 01/01/2004 / 01/01/2004 - 02/01/2004 / 02/01/2004 - 03/01/2004 / 03/01/2004 - 04/01/2004 / 04/01/2004 - 05/01/2004 / 05/01/2004 - 06/01/2004 / 06/01/2004 - 07/01/2004 / 07/01/2004 - 08/01/2004 / 08/01/2004 - 09/01/2004 / 09/01/2004 - 10/01/2004 / 10/01/2004 - 11/01/2004 / 11/01/2004 - 12/01/2004 / 12/01/2004 - 01/01/2005 / 01/01/2005 - 02/01/2005 / 02/01/2005 - 03/01/2005 / 03/01/2005 - 04/01/2005 / 04/01/2005 - 05/01/2005 / 05/01/2005 - 06/01/2005 / 06/01/2005 - 07/01/2005 / 07/01/2005 - 08/01/2005 / 08/01/2005 - 09/01/2005 / 02/01/2006 - 03/01/2006 / 03/01/2006 - 04/01/2006 / 05/01/2006 - 06/01/2006 / 07/01/2006 - 08/01/2006 /

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